HEALTH  |  3 min. read

A Sustainable Healthy Lifestyle

(How to achieve a ‘sustainable’ healthy lifestyle?)

A Sustainable Healthy Lifestyle by Health Coach Eleanor Webley of Smart Start Session
  • ​By Eleanor Webley |  Updated on January 18, 2022, 08:00am
  • Opinions expressed by Smart Start Session's contributors are their own.
The message of sustainability means to maintain consistency in our practices for a long period and take on action to care for ourselves whilst also nurturing our planet and the future generation.

Many people are well aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. How about adopting a ‘sustainable’ healthy lifestyle... how many of you in your household and/or circle of friends do take on this type of lifestyle?

Being health-conscious and environmentally conscious does not mean being a vegan. There are a lot of misconceptions that veganism is the most environmentally friendly diet. In my next blog article, I will share with you why veganism is not considered sustainable.

Meanwhile, let’s talk about how you will get on to a sustainable healthy lifestyle.
You need to be aware that a healthy lifestyle is not only about eating healthy and regular exercise. There are other factors also that you need to include such as the: 

type of waste you generate eg. biodegradable vs nonbiodegradable
quality of foods you consume eg. organic vs non-organic and real food vs fake food and homemade vs delivery/takeaway and home cook vs fast food and natural ingredients vs synthetic added ingredients
amount of your food consumption eg. 1-3 meals vs 3-5 meals a day
Individuals must generate minimal to zero waste and as much as possible it should be biodegradable.

When you support non-organic farming and a corporation that uses synthetic chemical ingredients it badly affects our ecosystems and our health also the packaging from delivery, takeaway, fake foods and drinks creates non-biodegradable waste which takes years to break down.

Your food consumption should be wholesome and based on your needs otherwise we will end up in scarcity (it is already happening!). 
When you are able to acquire awareness... discipline is your next aim. It sounds easy to hear the do’s and don't in embracing a healthy lifestyle but discipline to make it happen becomes a challenge.

To break a bad habit is difficult and the same when shaping a good habit particularly when your strategies have flawed you will not get the result. Seek help when you face the challenge and educate yourself to constantly gain new perspectives to improve yourself like for instance, enroll in a program or conduct your self-study and research.

Start to adopt the reduce, reuse, and repurpose to minimize your waste until you achieve zero waste. 
The awareness and discipline have become your best friends and there is accountability which is also seeking your confirmation.

To affirm your accountability; you need to recognize your ability to set a realistic long-term goal with purpose.

Take action to eliminate the delivery/takeaway/fast food and opt for wholesome home-cooked in your daily dietary plans to establish a healthy habits; clean eating and zero waste.

When you lag along the way because you cheat on your goal... don't kick yourself. Instead, recognize your weakness and take it with you forward and use it as a reminder to counter the situation when it happens again --forgive yourself.

When it comes to a transformation of your life; think progress, not perfection.

If you have little ones in the family, train your child to embrace the ‘sustainable’ healthy lifestyle while at an early age and show them your role image as a responsible adult who cares for your well-being and the well-being of our planet. 
Begin your journey toward a sustainable healthy lifestyle. Act now before it’s too late!

Help me on my mission to save lives and to save our planet. 
Profile Picture of Health Coach Eleanor Webley of Smart Start Session
Eleanor Webley
Holistic Health Coach
Partner Contributor 

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