HEALTH  |  2 min. read

Keep it Simple in the Gym

Keep it Simple in the Gym by Health Coach Lyndl Endique of Smart Start Session
  • ​By Lyndl Endique | Updated on February 28, 2023, 08:00am
  • Opinions expressed by Smart Start Session's contributors are their own.
When we first set foot in the gym, it felt like being a kid in a theme park. There are so many exercise machines we want to try and all these muscles that we have to target. We suddenly awaken our opportunistic tendencies to go all out and do as much as possible like there's no tomorrow.
We hop from one exercise to the next attempting to fatigue all muscles in the anatomy chart, hoping you'll have just a bit more left in the tank to complete the final set of wrist curls. After all, your motivation is at its highest, and you can't wait to apply everything you learned from those Instagram reels. 

Only, your motivation is your currency, and you don't have a lot to spend. We ended up doing too much, too soon that we lost the enthusiasm to stay consistent in the gym. 
Prioritize the Simplest Exercises First 
Since our physical and mental resources are limited, you have to prioritize the exercises that give you the most bang for your buck and within your physical capacity. The best way to do that is to keep the routine simple. 

For example, your goal is to look more fit for the summer. Most beginners would do a 30-minute jog on the treadmill, do 3 exercises for chest, do another 3 exercises for back, 3 exercises for abs, a couple  sets for legs, a few bicep supersets, some tricep supersets and a plethora of other isolation movements to make sure they get that "toned" look. All those overly complicated variations will overwhelm even the most seasoned lifter.

In reality, 2 sets each of the Barbell Back Squat, Flat Dumbbell Press and Chest-supported Rows performed with good form are enough to stimulate growth for that day. Even a newbie would be willing to complete this routine multiple times a week and throw in some cardio on the rest days. Even just reading that makes you realize that there is power in simplicity.
Simple Routine, Exponential Results
A complicated routine will only bring results in the short-term. You will dread doing each session and give up entirely sooner or later. A simple structured program, on the other hand, can deliver amazing results for the long-term because you can do it consistently and build on it over time. 
Profile Picture of Health Coach Lyndl Endique of Smart Start Session
Lyndl Endique
Health Coach
Partner Contributor 

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